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Crime Prevention Program Outline:

Observe + Orient = Situational Awareness


* Defining Situational Awareness

* Defining Observe

* Defining Orient


Awareness is a Choice


* Developing awareness is a learned skill

* Cell phone and social media

* Responding to workplace violence


Identity Theft


* Defining identity theft

* Ways to protect yourself

* What to do if you become a victim


Effective preventatives measures


* Self- defense techniques

* Weapons qualifications and effectiveness

* Non- lethal weapons


Police and Community working together


* Understanding a lawful order

* Who's right, Who's Wrong

* Why we need each other


Allow One Hour for presentation, questions and answers.

"OSHA" Occupational Safety and Health Act

States that  Workplace violence is a problem that no employer wants to encounter in the workplace. Every year, nearly two million American workers report being a victim of the workplace violence. An even more staggering statistic is that about 500 employees are murdered every year while on the job. Every company is vulnerable to workplace violence, and it should plan accordingly with the proper safety meetings topics. OSHA requires making employees topics aware of and protected from workplace violence. The most effective way of meeting this obligation is through training. Because the workplace violence prevention must rely exclusively on training, an additional burden is placed on the employer. NACP will allow a knowledgeable person to educate your employees with our Situational Awareness Program

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