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Words from our Director-


 "The FBI has listed Houston as the 3rd most dangerous City in Texas. Being apart of this movement, we have to get these Companies to participate in the program where they receive training and a Certificate of Completion. More than ever Companies are being held accountable in the judicial system for what happens to their employees. We need to be more proactive. "Wherever there is a Gathering there is a Concern". We can make a big difference together as we reduce the crime and build our community as a whole." 


 Stacey Jackson, Program Director

About Us


Stacey Jackson- Program Director


Mr. Jackson, the founder of National Association for Crime Prevention (NACP), established in 1988. Previously, Mr. Jackson was the Vice President of National Crime Stop Program in Atlanta Georgia. 


His program successfully reached many facets of our communities from Politicians to Corporations, Associations, Seniors as well as Children Groups.


As a crime Awareness Officer Mr. Jackson was in the capacity as a liaison for the Police Department and the Community. In this role, he further extended his training and understanding of the importance of the police and community working together.  


Through the Dekalb Police Department, Mr. Jackson has been trained in Corporate and Home Security and how to develop Neighborhood Watch Programs.


Also, Mr. Jackson has training from Grady Rape Crisis Center in Atlanta Georgia, enabling him to work  with highly sensitive cases such as rape and sexual assault.



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